Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered:

Literacy, Numeracy, Science


  • 1. Firefighter Role Play: Set up a pretend fire station in the classroom with uniforms, hats, and props. Encourage students to take turns being firefighters and act out different scenarios.
  • 2. Fire Safety Alphabet: Create flashcards with letters of the alphabet and corresponding fire safety words. Have students match the letters to the words and practice saying them aloud.
  • 3. Fire Truck Counting: Use toy fire trucks or cut out fire truck shapes from paper. Ask students to count and place a certain number of fire trucks on a designated area.
  • 4. Fire Extinguisher Experiment: Demonstrate how a fire extinguisher works using a water-filled balloon (representing fire) and a small fire extinguisher. Discuss the concept of fire safety while conducting the experiment.
  • 5. Fire Station Story Time: Read books about fire stations and firefighting to the class. Discuss the characters, settings, and events in the stories.


  • - Firefighter costumes and props
  • - Flashcards with fire safety words
  • - Toy fire trucks or cut-out shapes
  • - Water-filled balloons
  • - Small fire extinguisher (for demonstration)
  • - Fire station and firefighting books


  • - For students with literacy difficulties, provide picture cards alongside the flashcards to aid understanding.
  • - Adapt the counting activity for students who need additional support by using manipulatives or providing visual cues.
  • - Offer extra guidance and explanations during the fire extinguisher experiment for students who may struggle with the concept of fire safety.
  • - Provide a variety of books at different reading levels to cater to students' individual abilities during story time.

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered




Visual Arts

  • Create a collaborative fire station mural using paint and brushes
  • Make fire truck collages using colored paper
  • Design and decorate firefighter hats using markers and stickers
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Colored paper
  • Markers
  • Stickers
  • Provide extra support for students who may struggle with fine motor skills
  • Encourage creativity and allow for individual expression
  • Offer a variety of materials and tools to cater to different preferences and abilities


  • Role-play as firefighters and act out different scenarios
  • Create a fire station dramatic play area with props and costumes
  • Perform a short play about fire safety and prevention
  • Props (e.g., fire hats, fire extinguisher)
  • Costumes (e.g., firefighter jackets, helmets)
  • Provide clear instructions and guidance for role-play activities
  • Offer opportunities for students to take on different roles within the play
  • Provide support for students who may be shy or less confident in participating


  • Learn and sing songs about fire safety and firefighters
  • Create sound effects using percussion instruments to mimic fire engine sirens
  • Dance and move to music representing different firefighter actions
  • Fire safety songs
  • Percussion instruments (e.g., drums, tambourines)
  • Provide visual aids and song lyrics for students who may benefit from additional support
  • Encourage active participation through movement and gestures
  • Adapt activities to cater to students with hearing impairments (e.g., using visual cues)

Physical Education

  • Set up an obstacle course representing a fire rescue mission
  • Practice stop, drop, and roll movements
  • Play a game of "Put Out the Fire" using water balloons
  • Obstacle course equipment (e.g., cones, hoops)
  • Water balloons
  • Provide modified versions of activities for students with physical limitations
  • Emphasize safety and proper techniques during physical movements
  • Offer alternatives for students who may be uncomfortable with water balloons

Station Ideas

Fire Station Stations:

  • Firefighter Dress-Up Station
  • Fire Truck Building Station
  • Fire Safety Book Corner
  • Emergency Phone Station
  • Firefighter Puzzle Station
  • Fire Station Drawing Station
  • Firefighter Role-Play Station
  • Fire Hose Spraying Station
  • Fire Station Block Area

Story Time

The Busy Fire Station

Once upon a time, in a little town, there was a fire station. It was a big red building with a shiny bell on top. The fire station was home to brave firefighters who were always ready to help.

One sunny morning, the firefighters gathered at the station. Firefighter Sam, the captain, called out, "Attention, firefighters! Today, we have a special visitor coming to our station. We need to make sure everything is clean and shiny."

The firefighters quickly got to work. Firefighter Max grabbed a broom and swept the floors, while Firefighter Lily polished the fire truck. Firefighter Ben checked all the equipment to make sure everything was in working order.

Just as they finished tidying up, the school bus pulled up outside the fire station. All the children from Mrs. Roberts' class hopped out, excited to visit the fire station.

Firefighter Sam greeted the children with a warm smile. "Welcome, everyone! Today, you will learn all about being a firefighter and how we keep the town safe."

The children gathered around as Firefighter Sam explained the different parts of the fire truck. He showed them the hoses, the ladder, and the flashing lights. The children were amazed!

Next, Firefighter Lily demonstrated how to put on the heavy firefighter gear. She showed the children the special helmet, the thick gloves, and the sturdy boots. The children giggled as they tried on smaller versions of the gear.

Firefighter Max took the children to see the fire station's living quarters. They saw the firefighters' beds, kitchen, and even a fire pole! The children were amazed at how quickly the firefighters slid down the pole when they got a call.

After the tour, the children gathered in the fire station's backyard. Firefighter Ben showed them some important fire safety tips. He taught them to "Stop, Drop, and Roll" if their clothes ever caught on fire. The children practiced rolling on the grass, laughing and having fun.

Just as the visit was coming to an end, the fire alarm rang loudly. The firefighters quickly put on their gear and rushed to the fire truck. Firefighter Sam said, "There's a fire in town, and we need to go help!"

The children watched in awe as the fire truck zoomed out of the fire station, sirens blaring. They waved goodbye, feeling grateful for the brave firefighters.

Later that day, the firefighters returned to the fire station. They were proud of how quickly they put out the fire and kept everyone safe.

The children thanked the firefighters for their bravery and for letting them visit the fire station. Firefighter Sam smiled and said, "Remember, if you ever need help, don't hesitate to call us. We're always here for you!"

As the children left, they waved goodbye to the fire station. They knew that the firefighters were the real heroes, always ready to protect and save the day.